

2885 Uppsatser om Affect phobia - Sida 1 av 193

En skildring av sex gymnasiekuratorers erfarenheter och arbete med elever med social fobi

The purpose of this essay was to examine six high school welfare officers' experiences and work with students suffering from social phobia and discuss the welfare officers' view on social phobia from a psychiatric, cognitive and a knowledge theory. The study consists of qualitative interviews with welfare officers from several different high schools and attempts to answer the following questions: What previous experiences do welfare officers have of students with social phobia? How do welfare officers become aware of students with symptoms of social phobia and bring forth their problems? How do welfare officers describe their social work with students suffering from social phobia?The welfare officers' experiences of students with social phobia varied but turned out to be less salient than the amount of research in the area would suggest. The theoretical knowledge also varied, as did the acquiring and use of theory. These findings were then analysed on the basis of Rosmari Eliassons thoughts on knowledge, leading to the conclusion that the interviewed welfare officers do not construct their work on praxis-knowledge.

Fobibehandling.com : en pilotstudie av behandlingseffekt och deltagarupplevelse av en Internetbaserad behandling för specifik fobi.

This pilot study investigates possible treatment effects and participants' experience in an internet-based treatment of specicfic phobia. Changes in self-reported phobic fear were examined in a series of case studies and changes in attitudes towards avoidance and approach strategies were examined at group level. Seventeen DSM-IV diagnosed patients with specific phobia participated and 10 out of these completed the treatment.The results show that 80 % of the completing participants were clinically improved after the treatment and that the completing participants were significantly more negative towards avoidance strategies after the treatment. The evaluation of the disposition and user-friendliness of the treatment showed that the participants' overall view of the treatment was positive. The main advantage perceived was the flexible nature of the treatment, while the main disadvantages were the high level of motivation and discipline required from the participants.

Låt det lysa. Ett utforskande projekt mellan bild, ljus och yta

In my project I worked with fluorescent color and fear as a theme together. It was based on my question for what happens when you take all the lights out and highlight a fear or phobia. I wanted to experiment and explore the course of event within the surface of a picture by using this kind of paint.I worked with illustration and pattern to bind the two pictures together. The aim was to investigate what is possible with the picture as a medium and work with contrast to make it as effective as possible. My goal was to make one poster of each fear and to make them work together as a series as it?s best.I asked myself many questions such as;? What happens to the surface, image and room when you use this color?? Will a new quality appear?? What happens when you mix two pictures together on a parallel level that only show in different kind of light?.

Det är bara ett litet stick. Nålfobi hos ungdomar och vuxna : En litteraturöversikt

Background Adolescents and adults suffering from needle phobia have an unreasonable fear of needles that leads to negative experiences if they do not get the support they need. Negative experiences lead to patients avoiding health care, or these experiences affect important aspects of life. The suffering that a patient experiences may be obvious to some, but others hide it, and then it will be more difficult to detect. The nurse's role is to recognize the suffering and its different reactions in order to alleviate and prevent unnecessary suffering of the patient. AimThe purpose of this study was to describe about young people's and adults' experiences of having needle phobias.

Metodfokus på Affekt; Hur känns det?

Evidence-based psychotherapeutic methods compete with each other, while meta-analysis have shown that variability due to different methods related to outcome is remarkably low. In this qualitative study six former patients were interviewed about experiences of method and technique in Affect-focused therapy, with a slight overweight towards unsatisfactory experiences. Responses were analysed and categorised in emergent themes. Methodological focus on affect showed to be a much appreciated, as well as insufficient, element. Alongside positive experiences or summaries of therapy, methodological frames were felt to be at times restrictive, even invalidating, as far as not allowing focus on what was felt to be the more predominant need.

Affektmedvetenhet och stress : En sambandsstudie utifrån en integrerad stressmodell med affektsystemet som brygga mellan psyke och soma

A unified model of stress and affect consciousness was proposed. The connection between affect consciousness and perceived stress was studied. Teachers (n = 19) were interviewed using Monsens affect interview, followed one month later by a questionnaire containing Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S, STAI-T) and Twenty Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20).Statistical analysis showed no connections between level of total affect consciousness and perceived stress. Though there were some indications of a negative relationship between affect consciousness and trait anxiety. There were also indications, using a complementary analysis, of a connection between level of affect consciousness on the subscale distress in the interview and perceived stress.

"Vi måste ju göra nånting" : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie av insatsen påverkansprogram inom påföljden ungdomsvård

AbstractAs a young offender in Sweden today you can be sentenced to juvenile care within the social services. Within the juvenile care it may be an option for these young offenders to undergo an affect program. That is a collective name for several types of structured programs that can include everything from conversations to visits. The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of which arguments there are for why these affect programs for young offenders is being used in three municipalities in southern Sweden. We authors found this interesting because of the lack of evidence for these affect programs.

Vad påverkar och karaktäriserar positiva personer

People with positive affect seem to have great advantages in life. Goal achievement, the main cause of well-being for all organisms, seem to be a typical trait of these people. The purpose of this study was to examine (i) what influences positive affect, (ii) the relation between positive affect and goal achievement, and (iii) characteristics of individuals with positive and negative affect. Five individuals with self-rated positive affect and two with negative were interviewed. The responses were classified in fifteen themes.

Retorik som verktyg vid talängslan : En presentation av Södertörns Högskolas och Uppsala Universitets arbete med talängsliga

The purpose of this essay is to perform a comparative study of first a pedagogical/rhetorical and then a therapeutic method, to help students overcome their speech anxiety. My choice stayed at focusing on the academic world and the benefits offered to mainly students. I have chosen two institutions with long experience of work with speech anxiety: Instutionen of Swedish, rhetoric and journalism at Södertörns Högskola and Student Health at Uppsala University. I want to find the advantages and disadvantages of the two universities and in no way define what is more favorable..

Icke-diegetiska affect-ljud i skräckspel

Detta arbete behandlar ämnet icke-diegetiska affect-ljud och dess användning inom skräckgenren. Arbetet undersöker effekterna av att undvika icke-diegetiska affect-ljud och mäter om samma grad av rädsla kan uppnås utan dem. Bakgrunden tar upp ämnet emotioner, med fokus på rädsla, samt en sammanfattning på ljudets karaktär, IEZA-modellen, begreppet immersion och ljudläggning inom skräckgenren. För att mäta den upplevda rädslan har två filmsekvenser skapats, med olika ljudläggningar. Den första sekvensen har ljudlagts med rikligt antal affect-ljud, medan den andra använder ljud från omgivningen för att skapa spänning.

KBT som behandlingsmetod mot social fobi och depression utifrån behandlarnas perspektiv

Kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) avser att hjälpa personer med problembeteenden så att fokus ligger på nuet och framtiden, vilka mål som bör sättas upp så att en positiv förändring kan ske. KBT syftar till att människor ska kunna leva i samhället utan begränsning och med bättre livskvalitet. Denna kvalitativa studie visar hur KBT kan användas för social fobi och depressionsproblematik. Fem deltagare intervjuades, två psykiatrisjuksköterskor och tre psykologer. Alla arbetar utifrån KBT och studien visar deras upplevelser av metoden samt hur behandlingarna kan se ut.

Social rädsla bland ungdomar

Social phobia is a fear which limits a person's capabilities in daily situations. The fear can be so strong that a person can distance themselves from all social situations, for example education, marriage, sports activities etc. The purpose of this study is to discover whether there are any correlations between social fear and choice of educational program, between social fear and sex, and between social fear and Internet use. Questionnaires were administered to 80 upper secondary pupils. Each questionnaire answer was assigned a certain score, which was then coded in SPSS, the highest scores corresponding to highest degrees of shyness.

Vad är svaret på tidningsdöden? : En kvalitativ studie om unga universitetsstudenters nyhetskonsumtion

The media industry, and especially the news, in Sweden is living in a dark world that seems to get even darker by the minute. According to Nordicom (2013) the number of readers in the ages 15-24 has dropped by 24 percentage points between 2007 and 2012. This is a big problem for the news industry, but also for democracy that require citizens that are well-read and know what is going on in society. Enda and Mitchel (2013) found that 65% of people in the USA have stopped reading a certain news source since it no longer fits their needs. Maybe with a better understanding for young adults needs this trend can change.This qualitative study was conducted using interviews with eight respondents to find out why young adults who study at a university consume news.

Långtidseffekter av Internetbaserad KBT vid social fobi

Social fobi är en av de vanligaste ångestsjukdomarna. Rädsla och oro i sociala situationer och prestationsrelaterade dito är utmärkande för dessa individer. Social fobi tenderar, om den inte behandlas, att bli kronisk och det finns indikatorer på att tillståndet förvärras över tid. Idag finns behandlingar som ger goda utfall direkt efter avslut, men huruvida behandlingseffekterna håller i sig över längre tid är mer höljt i dunkel. Internetadministrerade självhjälpsbehandlingar har en möjlighet att öka tillgängligheten för denna klientgrupp och det är då av vikt att den är av god kvalitet.

Injektionsfobiskalan för barn: Normdata och psykometriska egenskaper

Många människor tycker att kontakt med injektioner, blod eller skador är obehagligt men cirka 3,5% av befolkningen störs av en överdriven rädsla för dessa stimuli, vilket kallas BII-fobi (Blood-Injection-Injury Phobia). Injektionsfobi är en typ av BII-fobi och det har hittills inte funnits några mätmetoder för injektionsfobi hos barn. Studiens syfte var att undersöka de psykometriska egenskaperna hos Injektionsfobiskalan anpassad till barn samt att samla in normdata för barn i åldrarna 8-17 år. Data från 677 barn samlades in i skolor i Stockholmsområdet. Resultaten visade att skalan hade god reliabilitet och god samtidig och diskriminativ validitet.

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